Privacy Policy

At Top10Antivirus.Org, we prioritize the privacy of our users and strive to collect only the information that is essential for managing and optimizing our website and business. We understand the importance of safeguarding user data and take all necessary measures to protect it. Our data collection practices are transparent, and we clearly state what information we collect and how it will be used on our website. We also provide our users with the option to control their personal data and opt-out of any data collection activities if they choose to do so.

User Information

At Top10Antivirus.Org, non-identifying information is gathered which includes browser type, language, date and time of visit, and referring web site. This is a standard practice on most websites and is automatically provided by web browsers and servers. The purpose of collecting this information at Top10Antivirus.Org is to gain insights into user behavior and enhance the performance of its websites. Rest assured that none of this information is shared with any third parties.

At Top10Antivirus.Org, we do not gather personal data, including Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. However, some antivirus companies featured on our website may provide us with access to this information if a user mentioned by us makes a purchase on their site. We want to assure you that at Top10Antivirus.Org, we do not utilize or trade this data.


A cookie is a piece of code that is stored on a user’s device and is made available to the user’s web browser whenever they revisit a website. Top10Antivirus.Org utilizes cookies to gain insights into user behavior, analyze it, and evaluate the sales performance of our partners.

If users do not wish to have cookies installed on their devices, they have the option to adjust their browser settings to reject cookies. However, it is important to note that this may result in the disabling of certain features, and there may be some parts of Top10Antivirus.Org websites that do not function properly.


It is important to note that should Top10Antivirus.Org or any of its affiliated websites get acquired, the information collected from users may be transferred to third parties. This means that personal data such as names, email addresses, and browsing history could be shared with new owners of the website. It is crucial for users to read the privacy policy of any website they interact with to ensure that their data is being handled appropriately and to be aware of any potential changes in ownership that could impact the security of their information.

External links

At Top10Antivirus.Org, we only provide links to trusted companies. However, we do not have any authority over their websites or how they handle user data. Consequently, any engagement with affiliate websites is governed by their own privacy policies and terms of use.

Changes to the privacy policy

Top10Antivirus.Org reserves the right to make slight modifications to the Privacy Policy as needed. By continuing to use the Top10Antivirus.Org Sites, users indicate their acceptance of any such changes. The most recent update was implemented on February 21, 2019.


In case you have any queries regarding the privacy policy of Top10Antivirus.Org, feel free to contact them via email at hello (at)Top10Antivirus.Org. The website values its users’ privacy and is committed to providing transparent information about how it collects, uses, and protects their personal data. The privacy policy covers areas such as the types of information collected, how it is used, and the measures taken to safeguard it against unauthorized access or disclosure. If you have any concerns or questions related to your privacy while using the website, do not hesitate to reach out to their team for clarification or assistance.