
Content Liability

We have taken great care in creating the content on our pages. However, we cannot ensure that the contents are completely accurate, comprehensive, and up-to-date. As a service provider, we are responsible for the content on our site according to applicable laws. However, we are not required to monitor or investigate third-party information that is transmitted or stored, especially if there are indications of illegal activity. Our obligations to remove or block the use of information under general law remain unchanged. However, liability in this matter can only be assumed once we have knowledge of a specific infringement. Upon receiving notification of any violations, we will promptly remove the offending content.

Liability for external links

Our offers include links to third-party websites over which we have no control over the content. As a result, we cannot be held responsible for these external contents. The responsibility for the content of the linked pages lies solely with the respective provider or operator of those pages. We reviewed the linked pages at the time of including the links to ensure they did not contain any illegal content. However, it is not feasible for us to continuously monitor the linked pages without concrete evidence of a violation of law. If we are notified of any violations, we will promptly remove the corresponding links.


The material and content on these pages, created by the operators of this site, are protected by UK copyright law. Any reproduction, modification, distribution, or exploitation beyond the scope of copyright requires written permission from the respective author or creator. The downloads and copies of this site are intended for personal, non-commercial use only. If any content on this site is not created by the operator, it is subject to the copyrights of third parties. Third-party content is clearly indicated as such. If you become aware of any copyright infringement, please inform us so that we can take prompt action to remove such content.